You may print this form to preview the questions before you complete your online application: Online Application

To apply for a program, please review the Program Descriptions which are online at Program Descriptions if you believe you are eligible for a program and would like to apply for it, you should:

  1. Complete the application online.
  2. Gather the required attachments listed at the end of the application, obtain the required signatures and upload them online.
These Programs are developed for incremental economic development assistance to Upstate New York and are not intended to offset the operating costs for existing programs.

Application Information
Your Name:
Your Title:
Company Head(President or CEO):
Company Head Title:
Business Address:
Federal Tax ID Number:
Organization Type:
What is the applicants relationship to the project for which the funding is being requested?: (Check all that apply)

Please tell us how you heard about this program.
(Please identify individual)

Step One: Please check the program for which you want to be considered. If you plan to apply for more than one program, you must submit a separate application for each program.

Marketing Programs (Section A)

Capital Investment Programs (Section B)

Site Development Programs (Section B)

Revitalization & Urban Development Programs (Section B)

Energy Efficiency and Productivity Programs (Section C)

Pricing Programs (Section D)


Step Two:  Please complete Applicant, Project, and Financial Information - the person who has the authority to undertake this project and receive funds for it should complete this step.  In all circumstances, funding should be viewed by applicant as a reimbursement for work completed following grant approval.

Project Information

* Denotes Required Fields



If No, who has primary responsibility of the bills for the project?
Will this investment improve energy efficiency?
Will this project stop a facility from closing or relocating outside of the National Grid service territory?

(If Yes, please include explanation in project description)

*Estimated project start date (mm/dd/yyyy)?

Financial Information:


Use of Funds $ Total Applicant NG Other

Either provide as an attachment to your application a detailed budget breakdown by major item or fill out the form below.
Please make sure the detail you provide identifies each component and cost for the project.
Construction Related (including electric & gas infrastructure):
Use (e.g. demolition) Budget $
Research or Productivity Related (identify contractor & major study components & costs):
Use Budget $
Marketing (identify specific activities, materials & costs associated with the project):
Use Budget $
Other (be specific):
Use Budget $

Project Description: Please input a detailed description about your project into the Text box below.

Applicants for the Marketing Programs (Section A) must help us to understand how this project will enhance the competitiveness of your community and geographic region.  Please include details about the nature of the project, how the project complements other regional marketing efforts, the target markets you wish to reach, any research needed to accomplish the goals and why the research is needed and the results that you expect to achieve.

Applicants for the Capital Investment, Site Development & Revitalization & Urban Development Programs (Section B) should provide a clear description of the project. The description should include: the project goals and how they will be achieved, the project budget, jobs created and/or retained, capital investment and/or improved productivity, and explanation and how they will be achieved, and any other unusual characteristics that will help us evaluate the project.

For Building Ready include all information bout the "building", site, real estate market and targeted industry.

Applicants for Energy Efficiency & Productivity Programs (Section C) should provide a clear description of the project including specific installations or upgrades and/or modifications.

Applicants for Pricing Programs (Section D) should describe the competitive situation of your facility and current energy price arrangements with National Grid. Please include any immediate growth opportunity or retention challenge that you are facing.

Project Description: (Attach description if necessary)

SECTION A, Marketing Programs: This section should be completed by only those applicants who are applying for:
Strategic Economic Development Outreach Cooperative Business Recruitment  

* Denotes Required Fields

How will you deliver your marketing plan? (Check all that apply)
Web based marketing  Public Relations

Does your project require research in order to focus on the appropriate target industries and geographical areas?

If yes, does the research duplicate previous studies on your topic for your geographic area?


Is your project targeted to decision-makers who can influence the attraction of new jobs and investment to the National Grid service territory?

Does your effort complement sales and/or marketing efforts that impact your regional geographic area?

  *Jobs   (#)

If funding from National Grid is awarded and proposed project is implemented a final report detailing the measurable results will be required before funds are dispersed.

SECTION B - Electric Capital Investment, Natural Gas Capital Investment, Site Development, Revitalizationn & Urban Development and Sustainable Gas and Economic Development Programs: This section should be completed by only those applicants who are applying for:

Industrial Building Redevelopment
ShovelReady Incentive
Urban Center/Commercial
CleanTech Incubation 

Brownfield Redevelopment
Electric Capital Investment Incentive

3-Phase Power
Natural Gas Capital Investment Incentive

Main Street Revitalization
Building Ready
Urban Center/Commercial
Sustainable Gas and Economic Development

* Denotes Required Fields

If existing, what is the project facility's National Grid Electric Service Classification? (This information is included on the facility's National Grid bill.)

  When will this occur?

Are you currently Served under – or expected by National Grid to be served under – one of the following Natural Gas Service Classifications. If so, please select which one.; (This information is included on the facility's National Grid bill.)

Is the existing natural gas or electric infrastructure a barrier to completing your project?

What will the measurable results of your project be?

*What total amount of capital investment will be created by this project? $

*Estimated project start date (MM/DD/YYYY)   *Estimated project completion date (MM/DD/YYYY)   

*How many jobs will be created because of this project?   By end of year 1

Year 3  Year 5

How many jobs will be retained because of this project? (#)   N/A

Do you have a cost estimate for the infrastructure enhancement?

Which of the following manufacturing or commercial purposes as classified by the North American Industry Classification System describes this project? (You may determine your NAICS classification by checking:

What size is the project? (How many acres is the site; how many square feet is the building)?

Is the site, building or project area currently vacant or underutilized?


Is the site, building or project area (please check all that apply):

located in

Does the site or building have: Water Telecom?

Has your project been through the SEQRA Process? 

Has it received a negative declaration? 

Will the project be fully occupied when completed?

If no, do you plan to market your completed project to potential out-of-state tenants or owners?

Do you have a written marketing plan?

How will you deliver your marketing plan? (Please check all that apply.)

Mainstreet Revitalization Program applicants only

What Type of project?

SECTION C, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency Productivity Programs: This section should be completed by only those applicants who are applying for:
Energy Efficiency in the Empire Zones
Agribusiness Productivity
Renewable Energy and Economic Development

Manufacturing Productivity
Power Quality Enhancement 


What is the customer's National Grid electric service classification? (This information is included on the facility's National Grid bill.)


Is the existing natural gas or electric infrastructure a barrier to completing your project?

What size is the project? (How many acres is the site; how many square feet is the building?)

Is the site or building (please check all that apply):

a NYS designated RebuildNY Site?


Does the site or building have: Water Telecom?

What will be the measurable results of your project be:

What total amount of capital investment will be created by this project?

How many jobs will be created because of this project?  or How many new jobs result from this project?

Total_________     By end of Year 1______     Year 3_______    Year 5______

How many jobs will be retained because of this project?   NA

kWH savings    kW savings   Estimated $ savings annually

Please Explain

For Manufacturing Productivity Program applicants:

What is the applicant's primary NACIS code?  __________

What is the applicant's secondary NACIS code?  _________

Grant amount (check all that apply)

  Up to $15,000 or 40% (whichever is less) of the costs of a "lean manufacturing" or manufacturing assistance projects

    Up to $15,000 or 50% (whichever is less) of the costs incurred by eligible applicants whose top management commits the time and resources to growth-targeted activities that will result in greater utilization of manufacturing capacity.

   up to $40,000 or 60% (whichever is less) of the costs incurred by eligible applicants whose top management commits the time and resources to projects that combine and coordinate the productivity and growth activities described above.

Expected estimated measurable results (check all that apply):

From lean manufacturing project (or comparable):

Cost savings of  $________ per year

New annual revenue $____________

 Retained annual revenue $____________

Jobs retained   _______

 Jobs created _______

Capital investment $____________

From growth activities:

 Increase in sales _______%

 New annual revenue $____________

Retained annual revenue $____________

New product development (describe)_____________________________________________________________


New Customers (describe)_____________________________________________________________________


Renewable Energy and Economic Development Program applicants only
Applicant and collaborators must answer all questions below and supply all information requested below

Regional economic development organization, Municipality, 501(c)3, 501(c)6, or 501(c)4 Corporation (if different from the applicant):



Contact Person:________________________________________________________________________________________



Email Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe how the proposed project accomplishes the following:
- Creates an asset that will enhance regional business attraction efforts;
- Serves as a learning center for renewable energy research, development and technology transfer; and
- Helps to address long-term workforce development goals and issues in the "green" energy sector. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________







Attach description if the above space is not adequate.

Generation developer (if different from the applicant):



Contact Person:________________________________________________________________________________________



Email Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________

Generation Location (if different from above) ________________________________________________________

Type of renewable generation technology proposed (check all that apply):

Solar Photovoltaic Geothermal Biomass Anaerobic digestion Other (describe) ________________________

Estimated date that proposed generation will be connected to the grid: ________________________

Has funding, equal to, or greater than four times the National Grid grant been secured? Yes No

Attach commitments for matching funds secured to meet eligibility requirements.

Regional research institution or university/college (if different from the applicant):



Contact Person:________________________________________________________________________________________



Email Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________

Describe involvement of regional research institution or university/college in the proposed project: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________







Attach description if the above space is not adequate.

Is there a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the regional research institution or university/college, the project developer and the 501(c)3, 501(c)6, or 501(c)4 corporation, municipality or regional economic development organization that describes the collaboration on the project and relationship between the entities involved? Yes No

Attach memorandum of understanding.

SECTION D, Pricing Programs: This section should be completed by only those applicants who are applying for:
Small Business Growth (Demand Charge Reduction)
Targeted Financial Assistance


* Denotes Required Fields

What is the customer National Grid service classification? (This information is included on the facility's National Grid bill.)

Is the existing natural gas or electric infrastructure a barrier to completing your project?

Which of the following manufacturing or commercial purposes as classified by the North American Industry Classification system describes this project?  (you may location a NAICS classification by checking:

What size is the project? (How many acres is the site; how many square feet is the building?):

Does the site or building have: Water Telecom

What will be the measurable results of your project?

*What total amount of capital investment will be created by this project? $

*How many jobs will be created because of this project?   By end of year 1

Year 3  Year 5

How many jobs will be retained because of this project?   NA

Please Explain

STEP FIVE: Signatures, Attestments and Disclaimers: Please read the disclaimers carefully and sign the application.


1) National Grid has the sole responsibility for selecting grant recipients.

2) National Grid retains the right to conduct pre-installation and post-installation site visits.

3) National Grid makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation, express or implied, with regard to any economic benefits, energy savings, or improved energy quality resulting from use of Program grants. While the Programs are intended to provide benefits to recipients, the recipient understands and agrees that National Grid is not liable for any losses resulting from the recipient's participation in the Programs or from the Programs' failures to result in benefits to recipients.

4) In the event the grant recipient utilizes a contractor to accomplish the project goals, National Grid makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation, express or implied, with regard to any materials or workmanship provided by any contractors engaged by the recipients or the reasonableness of the prices charged by them. The recipient understands and agrees that the contractor alone is responsible for the work, and not National Grid. National Grid assumes no liability or responsibility for any damages or claims resulting from your use of any contractor.

5) The information contained in this application, the required attachments and any site visit made by an authorized National Grid employee will be used to evaluate your project. An incomplete application will be disqualified.

6) Funds granted through this program may only be used by the applicant for the use stated and approved. National Grid reserves the right to withhold funding if the substance of the project changes or the requirements of the program are not met.

7) All Economic Development Programs will be administered in accordance with the applicable tariffs as specified in PSC No. 207, Rule 34 and Service Classification No. 12.

8) All materials become the property of National Grid and will not be returned. National Grid reserves the right to use any submitted material for marketing the Economic Development Program.

9) Program assistance is only available to customers who are current in payments with National Grid or have executed a deferred payment agreement.

Attestments and Signatures

APPLICANT: I certify that all statements made in this application, including all attachments, are correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have reviewed and agree to the terms stated on this form, including those provisions regarding warranties and liabilities.

Signed by Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Signature Printed Name_____________________________________________________________________________________

Title: ______________________________________________, Date: ______________________________________________

For Manufacturing Productivity Program only:

Signed by Co-Applicant (RTDC): _____________________________________________________________________________

Signature Printed Name_____________________________________________________________________________________

Title: ______________________________________________, Date: ______________________________________________



SECTION A, Marketing Programs:

Strategic Economic Development Outreach

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Marketing Plan
  4. Project Budget
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding
  6. Final or draft collateral material

Cooperative Business Recruitment

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Marketing Plan
  4. Project Budget
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Final or draft collateral material


SECTION B, Electric Capital Investment, Natural Gas Capital Investment, CleanTech Incubation, Site Development, Revitalization & Urban Development and Sustainable Gas and Economic Development Programs:

Industrial Building Redevelopment

  1. Completed and Signed Application including IDA sponsorship signature
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Marketing Plan, if you have one

ShovelReady Incentive

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Shovel-Ready site application questionnaire and designation letter issued by the New York State BuildNowNY program or certification from NYS as a "shovelready" site
  4. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  5. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  6. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  7. Marketing Plan

Electric Capital Investment Incentive

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Documentation from the NYS Empire State Development Corporation or a local development agency indicating your efforts to obtain state and local Economic Development incentives for the project and their disposition of your request
  7. Letter of endorsement from industrial development agency or other public development agency

Natural Gas Capital Investment Incentive

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Documentation from the NYS Empire State Development Corporation or a local development agency indicating your efforts to obtain state and local Economic Development incentives for the project and their disposition of your request
  7. Letter of endorsement from industrial development agency or other public development agency

CleanTech Incubation

  1. Completed and signed application (print this signature page, sign and date it and upload it to your application)
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Business Attraction/Marketing Plan, if available

3-Phase Power Incentive

  1. Completed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Brief project description
  4. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  5. Business Case that demonstrates the economic development value of extending 3-phase power and details your exploration of alternatives to 3-phase power. The value of extending 3-phase may be shown in such indicators as new or retained jobs, increased capital investment, improved product output. Your discussion of the alternatives to 3-phase power you have explored would summarize the other energy options you have considered (such as on-site generation, written-pole motors) AND why you have rejected each
  6. Detailed cost estimate for 3-phase power extension
  7. If you are implementing an alternative to 3-phase power, please attach your Statement of Work Agreement from NYSERDA

Brownfield Redevelopment

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Business Attraction/Marketing Plan, if available

Building Ready Upstate

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Marketing Plan
  4. Project Budget
  5. Preliminary or final site-building plan and documentation to show approval from local municipality and/or planning board
  6. Letter of support from local IDA or LDC

Mainstreet Revitalization Program

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Business Attraction/Marketing Plan, if available
  7. Letter of support/endorsement from the host Municipality

Urban Center/Commercial District Revitalization

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Letter of support from the Municipality, IDA or a local development corporation indicating your efforts to obtain state and local Economic Development incentives for the project and their disposition of your request
  7. Business Attraction/Marketing Plan, if available
  8. If owner or developer obtains letter of endorsement from industrial development agency or other public development agency.

Sustainable Gas and Economic Development

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Project Prospectus / Detailed Project Description
  4. Project cost estimates including detailed cost estimates for any specific energy infrastructure improvements.
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)
  6. Letter of support from the Municipality, IDA or a local development corporation indicating your efforts to obtain state and local Economic Development incentives for the project and their disposition of your request
  7. Business Attraction/Marketing Plan, if available
  8. If owner or developer obtains letter of endorsement from industrial development agency or other public development agency.

SECTION C, Energy Efficiency and Productivity Programs:

Manufacturing Productivity Program

     1.  Completed and Signed Application
     2.  Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
     3.  Detailed project description
     4.  Project cost estimates
     5.  Contract with Regional Technology Development Center (RTDC)
     6.  Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding


Energy Efficiency in the Empire Zones

  1. Completed and Signed Application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Copy of your New York State Empire Zone Certification
  4. Detailed project description
  5. Project cost estimates
  6. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)

 Power Quality Enhancement

     1.  Completed and Signed Application
     2.  Copy of applicant's Federal Tax ID Certificate
     3.  Detailed project description
     4.  Project cost estimates
     5.  Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding (including applicants)


Agribusiness Productivity

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Energy efficiency incentive commitment from a utility, state or federal agency program, dated after October 31, 2002
  4. Cost estimates for total project, including Sources and Uses of Funding
  5. Commitment letters or documentation of secured funding for the project, including applicant's equity


Renewable Energy and Economic Development

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Detailed project description
  4. Cost estimates for total project including sources & uses of funding and any letters of funding commitments
  5. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between regional research institution of university/college, the project developer and the 501(c)3, 501(c)6 or 501(c)4 corporation, municipality or regional economic development organization that describes the collaboration on the project and relationship between the entities


SECTION D, Pricing Programs:

Small Business Growth (Demand Charge Reduction)

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. Copy of your prior month's National Grid bill

Targeted Financial Assistance

  1. Completed and signed application
  2. Completed, signed and dated W-9 Form
  3. If you are demonstrating imminent facility closure or facility relocation from National Grid's service territory, you must attach your audited balance sheets, income statements and source/uses of funds for the last 3 years.
  4. If you are considering a relocation from NG service territory to an area outside of NG service territory, you must identify the relocation sites you are considering
  5. Documentation of the number of jobs you will be attracting or retaining
  6. Supporting letters from state and/or local development agencies detailing the benefits you are receiving from each