The Centers of Excellence support research facilities and other high technology, colleges, universities, and research institutions.
The Center specializes in drug design research, computational and three-dimensional visualization, product commercialization and workforce training.
Located at the university's Albany NanoTech Complex, CENN is a resource for emerging generations of integrated circuitry (IC) through technology deployment, product prototyping, manufacturing support and workforce training.
The Center focuses research efforts on indoor environments in the areas of indoor air quality, comfort, lighting, acoustics and intelligent controls.
Centers for Advanced Technology (CAT) support university-industry collaborative research and technology transfer in commercial relevant technologies. The CAT program was created in 1983 to facilitate the transfer of technology from New York’s top research universities into commercially viable products produced in the private sector. The CAT Development Program was created in 1999 to provide more resources to successful centers to expand their work with New York business.
The Center for Advanced Ceramics Technology (CACT) at the SUNY College of Ceramics at Alfred University is designated in the materials and materials processing technology focus... Read more...
CAMP's research is focused on colloids and surfaces; in particular, on the production, modification and conversion of solids for which small particles, colloidal media or surfaces play ... Read more...
The Cornell Center for Life Science Enterprise pursues programs in research and development, education and training, and technology transfer... Read more...
The Future Energy Systems Center for Advanced Technology focuses on smart lighting, smart displays, hydrogen fuel cells, and emerging renewable energy systems... Read more...
The Center for Advanced Technology in Automation (CATS) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's focus is advanced manufacturing, centered on automation – autonomous algorithms... Read more...
The CAT in Medical Biotechnology is involved in the discovery, development, translation and commercialization of promising biotechnology... Read more...
The Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC), which was established in 1991, pursues research in electronics packaging... Read more...
The Center’s research and development (R&D) program includes magnetic, optical, X-ray, and infrared sensors; signal processing and image recognition; super-conducting electronics... Read more...
The Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering (CASE) expertise includes predictive analysis, data fusion, data mining, cyber security, intelligent computing, modeling... Read more...
The mission of the Center is to act as a research and development resource for industries which manufacture, use, or supply microelectronics, electronics, optoelectronics... Read more...
The University at Buffalo (UB) CAT focuses on biomedical and bioengineering translational research for development of useful products with commercial potential... Read more...
The mission of the Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences (CEIS) is to conduct applied research in the field of electronic imaging ... Read more...
Warren Buffett on the Geico regional customer service center in Amherst, which employs 1,150 people.
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